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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Current Events 107 Year old killed by Swat Team

Unthinkable! They couldn't outwait this man holed up in his bedroom! Obviously his time is worthless! Why do it? Because we can!Try shooting down a million drones at once!

I want to build a million drone army of Nano Quadrotors. Give them GPS locators (Android phone interface) and attack at will! Put a .22 cal shell on each and take out everyone in the Super Bowl! Or maybe a anti aircraft carrier swarm. The list is endless. Sounds possible doesn't it! Good idea Einstein!
We can blow up the atom - Let's do it! Nanobot vs Borg! Nanu Nanu man from Ork.  Mendel Blot -Mendel blork man. The Ork in the Bottle. Larry Hagelman. aka Ethel Hagel. Mom From Hell!

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