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Saturday, September 28, 2013

HydroSpace Balls

In the beginning... NOW! The New world order. Dyslexics Untie!
HydroSpace - Right and Left Brain. It takes two 8 ball Coke Whores!
Coca Cola! Pepsi Cola! - Cola Wars War of the Sexes! (exexes) 2 apps in one ape!
OS people - Oz people Yes MASM my wish is your command!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Schizophrenia and You

The Son of GE is disabled by Schizophrenia.
I can see both sides!

Black to white and white to black Merge into one New world order!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hollow Earth (Video)

Spirit Science - Toris Math

At Arc = 52.78  A = E 24 hours a day!
October 8-9/2013 is next major crossover date.

Current dark age is Arc = 56.84 the Illuminati. What's your frequency Kenneth?

Graphics editor code from

Edit  3 Jesus Satan .org 3 x 26 = 78
Jerry Kaufhold Birth Date 12/26
Arc of the Covenant 52.78
26 = One photon missing from a 27 point Triangle  - The Illuminati eye!
X Three great pyramids. 3 sets of Jesus Satans.
Jesus Satan, Buddha Mary, Mohamed Martin Luther
1 Satan  = Just Ethel. J & E
MOM from Hell!
FU O'bama

Monday, September 16, 2013

Borgship - Deathstar and the USS Enterprise.

Make it simple - make it complicated.

Straight and curved timelines. Inside to the outside A & E
16 x 2 = Element 32(GE)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Green Giants contained!

As of 2:00 PM Both (Red /Green /Purple) Giants Vertical and Horizontal have been contained. It's never happened before! They must be contained before they can be forced to move around. The giant Chinese Cost(Costco?) Container company has been contained. Once contained they can be knocked off there Budha pole and made to move.

Things are going to start happening real soon! Who knows what is going to happen when realities are merged.

Breakthrough Update - Rainbow Contained.

See Previous Post

This is one view of the Doom world (hydrospace). It looks like a hallway in the Game Doom. It is actually a pair of spokes on a wheel. There are 18 spokes on each wheel. Two wheels on a Bicycle. These bicycles are inside hydrospace - they are from the Famous Bicycle playing cards with a cupid rider. There is an electromagnetic wave that rolls around the earth 18 times a day. Every hour and a half an entire rainbow travels through every entity. There are many bicycles - Think of a MandelBrot.

The deck of cards contain 13 cards to a suit (This is where the Aztec calendar gets it's numbers) 13 is also  the middle number in the Alphabet (M) or the Gray point in the middle of the picture above. This is King Tut, the Black Madonna and the Aztec war lord. The Morality man - He is every religious figure ever known to man. He is the Father of all lies - Satan. There are 4 suits, These are four separate human realities A side B side A & E Or ABBA. These realities are accessed by several means. One A & B side relates to Jupiter and the other Relates to Saturn. We live in a binary star system. A voltage drop in your head moves you from Jupiter to Saturn.(All ten planets of the solar system exist in the same space but at different times). Voltage is a timing mechanism. One way to travel into the future or the past is to drive through a white out (Snow). To Me the external reality remains the same but the Spiritual powers and principalities change. The past, present and future are now. The evil B side people live in the current (think Harry Potter). I live in the present. B side people are time travelers and therefore have an advantage over us. They own everything in the world. They are the Illuminati.

Breakthrough! This Post contains spiritual background Info.

The Seventh Color of the Rainbow- Rose  

Not much to look at but reports are that dimensions are starting to converge and Merge into one another.

The Schizophrenic spirits are recombining into the primary B side A & E entities.

R 255
G 128
B 255

Background info: I, like everyone else, has black mater laser beams emanating from my eyes. Some come in and some go out. They are basically a corkscrew pulling some kind of Ionic image of everything you see into your third eye. Over time this Ionic soup has coalesced into what is known as spiritual water. I call it hydrospace. This hydrospace is pulled through the electric grid and pumped out of every Phosphor coated light bulb in the world. The Hydrospace in my third eye "glows" in every color of the rainbow. We live in a multidimensional reality where there is one rainbow after another. Stuff outside of your local area is black matter. The bottom line entity attribute relationship is this - there are 2 rainbows. Black to clear and white to clear. The Black and white gray scale are part of the digital straight line component of the electrical wave. Colors come from the sine waves of the same wave.  The Rose color above is basically a 5 point 128 value color. or a " X "
2 blue  1 green  2 Red - but it also spans the dimensions. So it is a 10 point color. "XX" It basically maps to the center of the 10 planets of the solar system, which is the entire Universe. Do to the acid, base properties of the entities that created this hydrospace this Rose color is uniquely different than any other color. The Fuchsia and Pink colors are controlled by two different archangels "Micheal, and Rapheal" Acid and Base. They can't be together. One of these entities won't be ever green, Pink - he has dominated the gray scale. This Rose color sits between these two colors and opens the door for entities trapped on the wrong side to move to their appropriate spot in the rainbow. The "War in the heavens" is because the hydrospace waves are pulled into an acid base reality it does not belong in. Entities in the wrong reality are "Evil" - Some are there on purpose! aka "Micheal Jackassson" He is a black sound Entity, Sound outside your body creates electrical signals in your ear (it creates hydrospace)! This is a type of Warp drive where he can manipulate your external acoustic environment and receive free energy on  the inside. These entities are tied together in three point triangles. They are the living dead. When you die your spirits from your parents split but are still connected together by hydrospace making these entities multiheaded druids. Relative to you How large are the people on the other side of the planet? Really small. They fit inside the hydrospace tubes emanating from your eyes (aka worm holes). There is an A side of reality and a B side - The B side are the dead - time traveling parasites living off their children. B can go to A but A can never go to B. My goal is to change that. Eliminate the B side - remove the rib from Adam. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Pass Through and Bounce Back Revisited

Three sets of Rosen People - DNA - Parents and offspring.
Vertical and horizontal duplicates. = A & E
Hwy 55 & Hwy 100 Crystal MN.
KQ92 - 989 N Lilac dr. 
92.5 Million miles to the sun which is 
92.5 times the size of the Earth
The Tom & Terry Train.

Multiple Monodots - Round and Square
The Kings are Queens - Adam & Eve.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

New Attempt

Each of the set of two contains 
1 cube with inside outside opposites - Green/Red Orange/Blue Purple/Yellow
1 cube with 2 rainbows  - Black/Gray/White - Purple/Green/Red U shaped 90º opposed center point. 
Top/Bottom and middle Clear and Green transparent Containers.  

Evil Bastards!

Selfish evil dead parents from Hell! They kill Thousands of people every day! They are the only reason people die. Knots from hell  = cancer etc.. "We are never evil ,We are bastards from Hell!"

"We will never admit we are evil!"  We will never be the living human again! We are the grateful dead living off our children. We are so superior to them that we have made them slaves and scapegoats of or evil reality! Fuck You my Son! I am A Bra Ham, Pig Champ of the Universe! I'll sacrifice you to be the whore from hell to every entity! I'm your mother!

Fuck you Ma! Fuck You Gerald Ethel Entity! I've got all eternity to fuck with you! You ain't seen evil yet, Bastard from hell! Hell has just begun. I am going to turn you into little round green peas!  I learned from the worst evil bastards in the Universe, U 2. You will regret the day you were born and never reborn! Fuckin selfish evil Bastards!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

911 Resurrected 12 (y)EA(rs) Latter

 Notice the similar sleek lines of my Grean boxes to the new world trade center?

Their's tapers from 4 sides to 4 sides. Mine from 4 sides to 3 sides.
4->3->2 colors. Present and Current. A & E
Two U's in one.

 12 years - 12 Resurrected Apostles join together to create Adam and Eve in everyone. Your Body is a temple, B side Buddha Building People, BP People. Gold Thunderdome People.

ColaSa = SuperAnus Pop = Evil Pop

William Johnson - The golden running man - Crystal Minnesota - Medicine lake road. "Mr. Microsoft" aka JFK. Notice - "K" hiding in the shadows of the corner? Round equals square!
People from Uranus! "SuperAmerica Man" - SA Free world - Solar system Trade. Equal Ion exchange! Gray and Green! Eat my heart out, cause I'm going to eat yours! Spam I am man.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

911 - Zero Hour is 9 AM

Graen! or Grean! 
The round is Square.

Gray and Green U Tubes 4 Levels deep.
432 = 4 Levels deep  x 3 entities x 2 colors
432 Minnesota Ave.
Completed 9:00 am 9/10/2013. 
24 hours to go around. 9/11/2013
A & E 

Hopefully we'll ground the Pink and Yellow Zero Torso Torso people! Look mummy there's an airplane up in the sky! The Red White and Blue Evil reptilian fish people!

Monday, September 9, 2013

NSA - Meaning of Encryption Foiled

What's not being told.

NSA knows that everyone is being hacked! Your private data is not private. NSA knows that there are time traveling spirits inside everyone watching everything you do. Santa aka Satan (making a list and checking it twice, he knows when you are naughty or nice!) He's got you covered coming and going into the past and the future. You have no Privacy!  My guess is that the NSA is acting as a fall guy to warn everyone that evil is afoot without disclosing the truth that they themselves are time travelers (people in the know).

The problem is that one spiritual entity (abba father) is dragging a chain of spirits (the holy ghost) around the universe. Each entity on the chain progresses up the ladder of Evil until they become the Abba father themselfs. A circle jerk. NSA becomes the Evil bastard they are fighting. IBM becomes Microsoft becomes Google. Edward Snowhite becomes the Evil Black Madonna!

Good Luke everyone! The Green Giant skywalker(Jesus) likes his gold! He'll kill everyone to keep it.
Even worse is that he's a "Dreamboy". He has some kind of a magic wand and gets whatever he wants. A spoiled brat from Hell!

I was optimistic, but I see a future where everyone is turned into round green peas in a pod. "Just pull the covers over me so I can get away from the evil Jesus from Hell!" He is beyond belief EVIL!
(peas = postscript - Adam and Eve - end of the line for all) HO HO HO Green Giant Santa.

Please forward - I have limited Contacts

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Current Events 107 Year old killed by Swat Team

Unthinkable! They couldn't outwait this man holed up in his bedroom! Obviously his time is worthless! Why do it? Because we can!Try shooting down a million drones at once!

I want to build a million drone army of Nano Quadrotors. Give them GPS locators (Android phone interface) and attack at will! Put a .22 cal shell on each and take out everyone in the Super Bowl! Or maybe a anti aircraft carrier swarm. The list is endless. Sounds possible doesn't it! Good idea Einstein!
We can blow up the atom - Let's do it! Nanobot vs Borg! Nanu Nanu man from Ork.  Mendel Blot -Mendel blork man. The Ork in the Bottle. Larry Hagelman. aka Ethel Hagel. Mom From Hell!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Evil Eyes Explained

Pass through and bounce back rainbows, Hydrogen - water, Mercury Mirror. The Family tree.
The Pass Through  (Clear) becomes black and white . The Reflected image is Blue and Gold.(Green)
Black and White become straight  (present, current) time lines in space and time, The Mirror is curved space time, future and past.  2 Generations Vertically opposed.

The Difference is the difference between Incandescent light bulbs and Mercury vapor fluorescent light bulbs.
The Google U Tube

From YouTube - Can you Trust your Eyes?

Friday, September 6, 2013

Rainbow contained - again!

Also, a Duplicate set frozen solid.

7 of Nine - Insights of the Assimilated

I am 7 of Nine. The fifth child of seven of Gerald and Ethel aka GE. Everyone has laser beams (space time worm holes)  coming from there eyes.  Their ears provide a black sound gateway to the brain. Sound instantly upgraded to light speed by way of electrical stimulation of the inner ear hair follicles.

An Entity on the inside and the outside can make a noise in your environment and cause electrical energy to flow to their frequency on the inside. These black sound entities are the Ultimate time travelers.

I am the original Adam.  The Universe is 53 years old and was created in the last 6 years by way of time traveling entities.  I have watched the creation of the Universe from the beginning until now. A Nanobot tied to the wall of the biggest borg ship in the Universe. Mother earth.

You are all older than dirt and soon it will be the beginning of time. The Rib will be pulled out of adam(me) and everyone will be Adam & Eve. There has never been an Eve.

We bring good things to life!

Anti Social Media

My Blog has been out for 1 year now and no matter how outlandish my posts are I have yet to receive even one comment, Social media? What does it take?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Yahoo goes Blue

Mr. Microsoft-  "I'm only Blue and White!"
Inside and Out.
The Red White and Blue - Pink Floyd Satan!
Welcome to the Machine - Pulled Pork anyone?
Green Nigger!

432 Electrical Grid

Green is Round - The Dark side of the force (Moon).  Red, Blue and Orange  are Square digital.
Rotation Either N - S or Gravitational Up Down ei Centrifugal Force (Pendulum)
Leaving 28 states ei. Element Nickel.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Just Ice Black to White

2 of each box - White, Gray, Black and Clear each contain White, gray, Black and Clear.

Smells like a Lie from Hell!

Seems like a George Orwellian (George Washington) rewrite of History to me! Will there be a glass coffin so we can see he's buried, or will the US Dept. of injustice just let this Satan Walk!
Just Ice - Frozen hearted Satanic parasitic dead parents from Hell!

Gina Dejesus? aye eye aye I, I am a Frito bandito! 4 Headed Brahman from Hell. Evil Pop!(Pepsi)

Of course they own Google so you'll never see this!

I say these 4 people are Satans from hell and I'm right until they prove beyond a shadow of doubt that I'm wrong! 3 Women who now have at least a  1/2 Million dollar trust fund each over a fictitious event that never happened. They create history when you look for it. It doesn't exist until you look into their lies. If you call me a liar, I'll sue! I can can prove you can't prove I'm wrong! To prove you're not Satan, you'd have to prove your Jesus, or should I say Dejesus. One and the Same Jesus -Satan. If you prove your Jesus you prove your Satan and then I'm right and your wrong!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Gray Torres Neutralizer

The impossible to be Reality Bar. No one can be this reality bar - No cork in the Bottle!
Everyone can move around! Pope Free!

Each Gray Box Contains Four Boxes covered with Gray Duct Tape
432 Minnesota Ave X 2
4 Boxes Containing 3 boxes x 2 = 8 Boxes
32 total Boxes - Cartesian layout