Click brown title to Navigate!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Doom World Nuetral Zone.

Minnesota Multiple Middle Monodot - E3MW - The 4M company.

Gray and green in the middle of round and square, small and large, near and far!

Graey - The new nuetral color.

It's AU on it's side. Black hills Gold! Ba Ba Black sheeple - ABBA - OBama!
My MOM the president. Who'ed a thought?

 Two headed Golden A&E - Graey - Inside to the Outside! ABBA - UAAU

Be true to U! - King TUT people - The tomb is empty!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

N Dimensional Shift

At 2:00 am Cental time The wave fliped over and began to unravel! Exactly one week to 2012,21 Lucifer lost his griip on the wave. Who made who?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Humpty Dumpty Fell off the Wall.

At 4:00 pm Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall. The egg - the backwards GE met the perfect storm. The Final wave!

See previous posts.

Final Wave...

Hydrogen - A & E The hydrospace GEnie in the bottle

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Full Frontal Anal Ectomy -- 15 Hour update

At 1:02 Central time Chinese and Russian squares assimilate each other.

The Domino effect. First the oval office fell 15 hours ago then the Squares fall. The fall of Dog!

Round and Square. The beat goes on.

See previous posts!

Nibiru - Explained

Think of the ovum as Mother earth - This would be the Roman Empire containing the entire known universe,  Add sperm - Father time - the earth expands to twice it's size - Creating Adam and Eve.
Mother Earth and Father time are actually one entity N dimensionally welded together as Adam and Eve. Planet Nibiru is Father time and has actually already been merged with planet earth in the past.

Earth - Means - (E)ve - (A)dam -(r)otated - (t)ied to a cross - the inside black hole. (h)ydrogen cross another inside black hole 90 degrees opposed. T & H are Jupiter and Saturn - Gas Giants.

Nibiru - (N)itrogen (i)on (b) = dream boy ie. Father time and is Helium. the Helium black hole  (i)on r(r)otated as (u) a two headed you ie. Adam and Eve.

Tear down the Wall! Remove the Rib From Adam!

See previous posts for further explanation.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Zero hour 9 am 11/21/2012

At 9:02 am central time 11/21/2012

Spirits anounce complete containment of the Obama reality bar!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

e3mw explained

e = Equal - inside to the outside

3 = three waves - round, square & straight timeline waves

M = left wave - Male

W = right wave - Female


Left - right - up and down - inside to the outside!

In out - in out - That's the way it works - Mind fuck generator.

The Male Female generator!

Hydrospace - Round and Square Sound Video


I decided the 120- 80-110-80 Wave did not work correctly so this is a new version of my black sound wave.


I think this is closer to correct because any frequency will work!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What's your frequency Kennith?

The official frequency of John Lennon is 30 Hertz. He calls himself Mr. Microsoft. He assimilated everyone's desktop and is Z Incorporated. - The non reality corporation that owns everything in the universe.  Zinc the 30th element.  He flips atoms into electrons. He is my God father Ken of the Ken and Barbie fame.

Below is a picture of the round and square sine waves.

There are 30 Round and 30 Square waves counting both directions. Which I believe is the frequency of your light bulbs. 60 Hertz.

Cain kills Able - Bam Bam take that Able! - Able reincarnates as P(eble)s. Pebles eats Bam Bam. Pebles is Mrs Microsoft a different Zinc entity. Square and round Ken is Cain!

There is a reason why John was shot - He's Satan - a liar - a thief and a murderer!
He is 30 a different way. There are two equal circles above. He is the 666 Star of David and the purple and red of another 666 Star of David. The Rose colored Jesus -   Five sixth of reality. Including heaven and Hell. He is the only star in his universe! There is no room for anyone else to be a star except for Super ego boy. The God Father.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Black Matter, Black Sound, Black Matter DNA - Spiritual Water - Hydrospace.

View as screen Size.

Black Matter, Black Sound, Black Matter DNA - Spiritual Water - Hydrospace.

Hydrgen to Mercury! Jupiter to Saturn.

The Dreamer of Evil Dreams

I've decided that two can play this game. Not only will I have the best dream, but an equally revolting opposite dream. An evil dream - like all of your dreams.

You evil Satan, as long as you continue to be the only "dream boy", it is my dream that you will be perceived as nothing  but the most repulsive and repugnant reality entity. Not only to other people, but to yourself also!.  Every time you look in the mirror an uncontrollable urge to vomit will engulf your entity.

My mother is my father Satan. Yabba Dabba Doo. Cat Man Doo. Just shit everywhere. You all consuming evil Pig. MontizuMA, I dream that someone will steal all your golden shit  from you.

MA PA Kettle, back into the melting pot you go. Your not done yet. Just drost and scum. No real gold to be found!

Inside to the Outside - I dream of GEnie!  We bring good things to life, not I bring good things to life!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

HydroSpace - I equal You

432 Minnesota ave. Hydrogen based life forms.

Tip the car over Flintstones people. Remove the Rib from Adam.

Yabba Dabba Doo!
Abba Abba  Doo!

The most Ut! King Tut!
GEorGE Jetsons
 Past and Future.
Just Ethel

666 - Star of David

The Oval Office and You

Everyone's head is an oval office. The temple between your ears. Use this cord of three strands!
M one with the Universe anyone? Money changers.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My MOM Obama - my Mummy Dearist!

Infinite resource entity creates video(See link). I do not have these resources. After previewing the video, I have determined it was created by Emily - Evil am I Emily. The Green Giant. She is not telling the entire Truth. She assumes she is separate from the reptilians. She is the insects. The Queen Bee. Communist Hive mentality. She is all about containing entities. She turns entities into square 1 volt entities. On or off, while she is the yin yang sine wave - sliding scale voltage. She is the original Black Madonna - The Black widow spider. She will kill any competition to the throne! She is the White & Blue Devil that sits on my left shoulder and calls herself Mr. Microsoft. The Black Window Spider! Internally she is the Yellow Satan from Hell. Yellow & Blue = Black and White. Square Sine wave. Blue & Yellow make Green. Ho Ho Ho Satan Clause.

St. Paul ionic dead evil reincarnated. The Buddha. The universal Dream boy.

She is Ethel. my MOM.

Interesting hour long vidio
From YouTube

Here is a morph of my MOM - my Mummy.

Mr indirection. St. Paul "Don't look to me Look to Jesus"
Jesus - Just Ethel Scintillated US

Who R U? 2 directional rotaion Sine waves One and all!

The picture is blurry but it's round and square sine wave rotating in two directions. Watch it in Full Screen mode.  Light reaches the maximum distance of light and falls back on itself. Sound converted into electrical photons in the ear are a black hole - Instantaneous inside to the outside and Vice versa.

How big is a person on the other side of the world?  Where is the other side? The inside?
We are the World!

Unbreakabe - Cord of Three Strands

6 Mirrored Pyramids. The King of the Jews - Dave the dream boy -
 (Dave) -  Dead Adam Splits into Eve - I dream of GEnie -
 Son of Baconater anyone? St. Paul's flying saints and Chernobylized Paul Bunion sized Blue oxes. You'll either be a dog or an Ox!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Is this You?

Straight from the hive. People stuck in a cubicle. Your typical cubism.

Round and Square - The cat in the hat knows allot about that.
Is this Jerry or Pablo? The lo Pa.

Planet Nibriu - Two headed ewes

NIbriu - Non reality Ionic Buddha  reincarnated as a two headed U - A & E
Everywhere that Larry went the lamb was sure to go - White and Black - Obama!
No where to run, no where to hide, your own infinite greed will Ass eliminate you!
Robotic nanobot surgery in progress - Free Full Frontal Anal Ectamy! Welcome to Obama care!

My God parents - Ken and Barbie

What's your frequency Kennith?  What's your wave length Sir Paul in all? Dung Beatles one and all.
Anyone around here rollings things up circles? Is Barbie - Barbra Eden?  Inside to the outside.

I dream of GEnie. Hooray for the red white and Blue! We bring good things to life!

Squares assimilate Circles!

Borg Ships - Death Stars and the Federated department stores. You've got a Target on your back!

Your 5 year mission comes to an end soon.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Google vs the G string network! David vs Goliath

Who's the Dream boy? - you don't stand a chance!  One rainbow against two.

I've got a twelve string guitar.  I'll use your hidden Black rainbow in my circles.
My circles include all of your circles  -Black and white rainbow.  You'll only show one rainbow at a time, but every one of my circles can get to anyone in your circles. I'm the open BooK. Boo

What's that you say, I don't have the Black sound bar? It's all in the eye! In one ear and out the eye.
Besides only pigs and Gods er I mean dogs have a cork screw tails. Also, it's 12 strings not 6!
Twelve apostles vs the infinite  666oooooooooooo Non reality Corporation Antichrist.

All I'm going to do is let you be infinitely evil to you. Go for it!

The Big Gang Bang - General Evil orge people!

How do you build a univers in 5 years?

GEorGE Washington's Evil Eye

Video updated 10/31/2012

GEorGE Washington's Evil eye
Abba Father - GE General electric
Inside to the Outside
Watch the whole thing  - it matters!
General Evil orge people - Adam & Eve

Lucent Fury Creatures

oops Update

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Here is Picture of the Human owners manual. Do it with your eyes open and Closed.