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Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Dreamer of Evil Dreams

I've decided that two can play this game. Not only will I have the best dream, but an equally revolting opposite dream. An evil dream - like all of your dreams.

You evil Satan, as long as you continue to be the only "dream boy", it is my dream that you will be perceived as nothing  but the most repulsive and repugnant reality entity. Not only to other people, but to yourself also!.  Every time you look in the mirror an uncontrollable urge to vomit will engulf your entity.

My mother is my father Satan. Yabba Dabba Doo. Cat Man Doo. Just shit everywhere. You all consuming evil Pig. MontizuMA, I dream that someone will steal all your golden shit  from you.

MA PA Kettle, back into the melting pot you go. Your not done yet. Just drost and scum. No real gold to be found!

Inside to the Outside - I dream of GEnie!  We bring good things to life, not I bring good things to life!

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