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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Nibiru - Explained

Think of the ovum as Mother earth - This would be the Roman Empire containing the entire known universe,  Add sperm - Father time - the earth expands to twice it's size - Creating Adam and Eve.
Mother Earth and Father time are actually one entity N dimensionally welded together as Adam and Eve. Planet Nibiru is Father time and has actually already been merged with planet earth in the past.

Earth - Means - (E)ve - (A)dam -(r)otated - (t)ied to a cross - the inside black hole. (h)ydrogen cross another inside black hole 90 degrees opposed. T & H are Jupiter and Saturn - Gas Giants.

Nibiru - (N)itrogen (i)on (b) = dream boy ie. Father time and is Helium. the Helium black hole  (i)on r(r)otated as (u) a two headed you ie. Adam and Eve.

Tear down the Wall! Remove the Rib From Adam!

See previous posts for further explanation.


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