You may be able to shift this around to produce a 48 pulse wave or 48 state dc current. 48 contiguous states in the good o'l USA! I don't have anyway to investigate no oscilloscope or diodes tc.
Post to Daboo7
Hey Daboo maybe you could investigate this.
I was missing some files on my computer so I did an experiment. I change my search for google.from http://www.google.com to
http://mmm.google.com - Could not load web page and I lost my inernet connection but my missing files reurned!
- Negative voltage computing!<br />
I can't duplicate it but I do have all my files! There must be some software settable switch inside the MASM code somewhere. It has something todo with 12 pulse bridge rectifiers - and the hidden other 12 pulse rectifier 45º or 90º opposed to the other bridge. These modify AC current to DC current The shifted voltage is essentially negative voltage or inverse computing. They turn things upside down! There must be at least three layers pos & neg combined - neg only and pos only They could install a negative remote desktop connection and switch to negative and positive on the inside and watch everything you do on the Positive side.
I don't know where to go from here. Good luck.
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