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Sunday, June 22, 2014

2 Pi R Squared - All the way around A & E

Micky mouse Computing company. Blue and yellow gravity people makes Green People from mount Sinus!
Spoiled snots from Hell! MOA Mall rats. Minnesota twins A & E

R = 1 with the Universe! Resurrect 1- reincarnate 1 = 2Pi(R^2) = 2 Pi  = A & E
A = E --- Three in one Oily people! Continuously divided family tree = DNA

2Pi = 4 * sqrt(2)/2 * sqrt(2+sqrt(2))/2 ...
2 parents from the Future & 2 parents from the past - My Mother is my Father! My Father is my Mother!
Father time and Mother Earth. Protons and Neutrons Make Atoms and Electrons equal A & E

Menorah Menorah Mitosis mitosis I'm your Fat(her) - Use the Force! F = MA
Light & Sound -  Arts & Entertainment - Volume and distance - The farther away you are the better you look! 6 times around should do the trick! 6 Colors of the Rainbow =  RNA = DNA ANNA grams. ABBA grams. Abby normal grams. It's alive! Frank and Einstein stay where you are! It's recursive! Cousin It will come around! Black Russians with long Blond hair. Super Model Anna Corkinanova. No Go around!

Function pi(Optional Levels As Integer = 24) As Double
        Dim Val = Levels
        pi = 1
        '2/pi = sqrt(2)/2 * sqrt(2+sqrt(2))/2 ...
        For x = 1 To Val Step 1
            pi = pi * (pime(x) / 2)
        pi = 2 / pi
    End Function

    Function pime(ByVal val As Integer) As Double
        If (val = 1) Then
            Return Math.Sqrt(2)
            Return (Math.Sqrt(2 + (pime(val - 1)))) 'Recurse
        End If

    End Function

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