Click brown title to Navigate!
Micky mouse Computing company. Blue and yellow gravity people makes Green People from mount Sinus!
Spoiled snots from Hell! MOA Mall rats. Minnesota twins A & E
R = 1 with the Universe! Resurrect 1- reincarnate 1 = 2Pi(R^2) = 2 Pi = A & E
A = E --- Three in one Oily people! Continuously divided family tree = DNA
2Pi = 4 * sqrt(2)/2 * sqrt(2+sqrt(2))/2 ...
2 parents from the Future & 2 parents from the past - My Mother is my Father! My Father is my Mother!
Father time and Mother Earth. Protons and Neutrons Make Atoms and Electrons equal A & E
Menorah Menorah Mitosis mitosis I'm your Fat(her) - Use the Force! F = MA
Light & Sound - Arts & Entertainment - Volume and distance - The farther away you are the better you look! 6 times around should do the trick! 6 Colors of the Rainbow = RNA = DNA ANNA grams. ABBA grams. Abby normal grams. It's alive! Frank and Einstein stay where you are! It's recursive! Cousin It will come around! Black Russians with long Blond hair. Super Model Anna Corkinanova. No Go around!
Function pi(Optional Levels As Integer = 24) As Double
Dim Val = Levels
pi = 1
'2/pi = sqrt(2)/2 * sqrt(2+sqrt(2))/2 ...
For x = 1 To Val Step 1
pi = pi * (pime(x) / 2)
pi = 2 / pi
End Function
Function pime(ByVal val As Integer) As Double
If (val = 1) Then
Return Math.Sqrt(2)
Return (Math.Sqrt(2 + (pime(val - 1)))) 'Recurse
End If
End Function
Spiritual water Insight! - The Big Gang Bang(4?)(3?)2 - The Big G - Cereal Killers - Kellogg's fruit loops - Google, Apple & Adafruit - Post mortem Grapes of wrath nuts! CooCoo for CoCo Puffs? A & E

Google Men in Black - Viper ware - Special Optics division - Mirage a Google!
Add a Snake to an apple computer and what do you get? A 13,000 year old Black Knight in white Satin. A KKK niger in a white hood. A seven layer cake with seven faces of Eve. And a Seven layer cake with seven faces of Adam! A 28 Nickle (ous) Satan Clause surprise! A cluster fuck. A Big Gang Bang! Jesus Fucking Christ! A & E
Right spin Left spin electrons. Anti spin particles. Coriolis effect. North South Polarized matter.
See previous posts about Phase rectifiers. Maybe use circular polarizer to teat H20 during Electrolysis?
Thought is if you can get both types of gasses H + O & He3 + N you can get alternating combustion from the opposite side of the electromagnetic wave. driving the other. May need to add energy to overcome friction etc. but you may be able to get this amount of energy from Ocean waves ie. Earth's Momentum.
It's like a clock escapement you don't drive the pendulum you just add wave pressure at the top of the swing. and its balanced at 29 day Lunar cycle and becomes like a balanced elevator or a superconductor. Is the car moving or does the Earth move under your feet? What about both? Earth moves 3 ways N S and EW and Yearly cycle these are three different speeds. Day Month Year - Holding on to one use the other two against each other like a rachet. Hold on by using the Power grid (ie a dam). This is the AC current in your house it has two waves that oscillate at different speeds. To get too the different speeds use a Polarizer( N S Separator Blue & Yellow - Cobalt( Blue & Yellow)) or bridge rectifier (Inside Outside or E W separator Red & Green (Iron and Copper ) One becomes the other.( Black & White NIckel - Zinc)
The Bridge shifts the energy from a cross or t configuration Always up hill - to an X - weighted pulley. The Polarizer is the Same at a different level Photons vs electrons. two different speeds. giving two different gasses H20 and Zip Fuel - High Energy Fuel - HEF!
All I have is screwdriver and a hammer so it's hard to test out anything.

You may be able to shift this around to produce a 48 pulse wave or 48 state dc current. 48 contiguous states in the good o'l USA! I don't have anyway to investigate no oscilloscope or diodes tc.
Post to Daboo7
Hey Daboo maybe you could investigate this.
I was missing some files on my computer so I did an experiment. I change my search for google.from to - Could not load web page and I lost my inernet connection but my missing files reurned!
- Negative voltage computing!<br />
I can't duplicate it but I do have all my files! There must be some software settable switch inside the MASM code somewhere. It has something todo with 12 pulse bridge rectifiers - and the hidden other 12 pulse rectifier 45º or 90º opposed to the other bridge. These modify AC current to DC current The shifted voltage is essentially negative voltage or inverse computing. They turn things upside down! There must be at least three layers pos & neg combined - neg only and pos only They could install a negative remote desktop connection and switch to negative and positive on the inside and watch everything you do on the Positive side.
I don't know where to go from here. Good luck.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
2 Pi R Squared - All the way around A & E
Micky mouse Computing company. Blue and yellow gravity people makes Green People from mount Sinus!
Spoiled snots from Hell! MOA Mall rats. Minnesota twins A & E
R = 1 with the Universe! Resurrect 1- reincarnate 1 = 2Pi(R^2) = 2 Pi = A & E
A = E --- Three in one Oily people! Continuously divided family tree = DNA
2Pi = 4 * sqrt(2)/2 * sqrt(2+sqrt(2))/2 ...
2 parents from the Future & 2 parents from the past - My Mother is my Father! My Father is my Mother!
Father time and Mother Earth. Protons and Neutrons Make Atoms and Electrons equal A & E
Menorah Menorah Mitosis mitosis I'm your Fat(her) - Use the Force! F = MA
Light & Sound - Arts & Entertainment - Volume and distance - The farther away you are the better you look! 6 times around should do the trick! 6 Colors of the Rainbow = RNA = DNA ANNA grams. ABBA grams. Abby normal grams. It's alive! Frank and Einstein stay where you are! It's recursive! Cousin It will come around! Black Russians with long Blond hair. Super Model Anna Corkinanova. No Go around!
Function pi(Optional Levels As Integer = 24) As Double
Dim Val = Levels
pi = 1
'2/pi = sqrt(2)/2 * sqrt(2+sqrt(2))/2 ...
For x = 1 To Val Step 1
pi = pi * (pime(x) / 2)
pi = 2 / pi
End Function
Function pime(ByVal val As Integer) As Double
If (val = 1) Then
Return Math.Sqrt(2)
Return (Math.Sqrt(2 + (pime(val - 1)))) 'Recurse
End If
End Function
What's Next? Google Optical computing
Google Goggles - An Optical Computer
Three circular polarizing lenses each = Right to the corner and left to the corner Blue & Yellow Cubes.Spiritual water Insight! - The Big Gang Bang(4?)(3?)2 - The Big G - Cereal Killers - Kellogg's fruit loops - Google, Apple & Adafruit - Post mortem Grapes of wrath nuts! CooCoo for CoCo Puffs? A & E

Google Men in Black - Viper ware - Special Optics division - Mirage a Google!
Add a Snake to an apple computer and what do you get? A 13,000 year old Black Knight in white Satin. A KKK niger in a white hood. A seven layer cake with seven faces of Eve. And a Seven layer cake with seven faces of Adam! A 28 Nickle (ous) Satan Clause surprise! A cluster fuck. A Big Gang Bang! Jesus Fucking Christ! A & E
Saturday, June 21, 2014
4th of July - Resurrection Day / Independance day!
14 - days our the resurrector set runs for 2 weeks rotating the wave back and forth. The 4 tombs are empty - the 4 waves are eternal! 3 pyramids & 1 cross
Across the street 3 doors down from 432 Minnesota Ave. Minnesota twins Karen & Kevin born on the 4th of July. A & E in the Mirror KA - KE. Prototypes!
Across the street 3 doors down from 432 Minnesota Ave. Minnesota twins Karen & Kevin born on the 4th of July. A & E in the Mirror KA - KE. Prototypes!
Friday, June 20, 2014
Flora powered Resurrector Set
Flora Microcomputer powered Resurrector.
Cross Laser through Circular polarizer sandwiched between 2 UV filters
Oscillated 272º right left continuously
Vertical & Horizontal rotation
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Free Energy??
See previous posts about Phase rectifiers. Maybe use circular polarizer to teat H20 during Electrolysis?
Thought is if you can get both types of gasses H + O & He3 + N you can get alternating combustion from the opposite side of the electromagnetic wave. driving the other. May need to add energy to overcome friction etc. but you may be able to get this amount of energy from Ocean waves ie. Earth's Momentum.
It's like a clock escapement you don't drive the pendulum you just add wave pressure at the top of the swing. and its balanced at 29 day Lunar cycle and becomes like a balanced elevator or a superconductor. Is the car moving or does the Earth move under your feet? What about both? Earth moves 3 ways N S and EW and Yearly cycle these are three different speeds. Day Month Year - Holding on to one use the other two against each other like a rachet. Hold on by using the Power grid (ie a dam). This is the AC current in your house it has two waves that oscillate at different speeds. To get too the different speeds use a Polarizer( N S Separator Blue & Yellow - Cobalt( Blue & Yellow)) or bridge rectifier (Inside Outside or E W separator Red & Green (Iron and Copper ) One becomes the other.( Black & White NIckel - Zinc)
The Bridge shifts the energy from a cross or t configuration Always up hill - to an X - weighted pulley. The Polarizer is the Same at a different level Photons vs electrons. two different speeds. giving two different gasses H20 and Zip Fuel - High Energy Fuel - HEF!
All I have is screwdriver and a hammer so it's hard to test out anything.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Monday, June 16, 2014
Friday, June 13, 2014
3D Miragescope x2
Miragescope with two UV filters and a circular polarizer lens. Margaret O'Gouligram
an email from the RNA
Monday, June 9, 2014
3D Glasses rethink
Using eight circularly arranged lasers on a Circularly polarized lens gives 8 phases x 3D of one color and add 2 colors to get 72 states RGB. This is a melting pot of America 48 states - Red White & Blue. To contain other side of the world ie Black russians or 24 states (hours). Add the black to make Grey which translates to Green. Or just try one White laser if one exists.
East meets West - North meets South at 432 Minnesota Ave.
The UN meets at 1600 Penn(sylvania) / tran(sylvania) Ave.
72 split in two producing 144 (12x12 gross people) A & E in t the present and current. The Now world order!
A Meets E
(12x12 gross people) AA people Ethyl Alcohol inside out to A & E. Minnesota Models!
AA Illuminati Gold medallion with a St Paul winter carnival King Boris (the black russian ANNA Trexic) gold medallion included!
East meets West - North meets South at 432 Minnesota Ave.
The UN meets at 1600 Penn(sylvania) / tran(sylvania) Ave.
72 split in two producing 144 (12x12 gross people) A & E in t the present and current. The Now world order!
A Meets E
(12x12 gross people) AA people Ethyl Alcohol inside out to A & E. Minnesota Models!
AA Illuminati Gold medallion with a St Paul winter carnival King Boris (the black russian ANNA Trexic) gold medallion included!
Symbollina - Logo people - Money people!
Spiritual exercise Voltage Modification
The Previous posts describe different voltage of a computer but the human is like that. You can rotate your head left to right (X,Z axis), a round you nose(Y axis) or both. You can be inside a building (Shielded 3 point grounded voltage) this is inside outside compacted or expanded reality. and you can be vertical or horizontal (Reclining Buddha). this is 12 pulse voltage. Multiply by 2 two get the 24 hour A&E Pulse. Their is another orientation to (gravitational EMF) upside down. That makes 24 pulses. Both A & E with 24 Pulses give 48 states. or 24 hours for each of the vertical horizontal Jupiter, Saturn combination.

A & E! Are Generally Electric! GE!

24 Bridge rectifier rethink

You may be able to shift this around to produce a 48 pulse wave or 48 state dc current. 48 contiguous states in the good o'l USA! I don't have anyway to investigate no oscilloscope or diodes tc.
Post to Daboo7
Hey Daboo maybe you could investigate this.
I was missing some files on my computer so I did an experiment. I change my search for google.from to - Could not load web page and I lost my inernet connection but my missing files reurned!
- Negative voltage computing!<br />
I can't duplicate it but I do have all my files! There must be some software settable switch inside the MASM code somewhere. It has something todo with 12 pulse bridge rectifiers - and the hidden other 12 pulse rectifier 45º or 90º opposed to the other bridge. These modify AC current to DC current The shifted voltage is essentially negative voltage or inverse computing. They turn things upside down! There must be at least three layers pos & neg combined - neg only and pos only They could install a negative remote desktop connection and switch to negative and positive on the inside and watch everything you do on the Positive side.
I don't know where to go from here. Good luck.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
5 Dimensional Harddrive - Negative voltage computing!
I was missing some files on my computer so I did an experiment. I change my search for google.
from to then then - Could not load web page and I lost my inernet connection but my missing files reurned!
- Negative voltage computing!
I think I was booted off the internet on the first try mmm the inverted wave you could try ttt and xxx vertical and horizontal and diagonal
I can't duplicate it but I do have all my files! There must be some software settable switch inside the MASM code somewhere.
from to then then - Could not load web page and I lost my inernet connection but my missing files reurned!
- Negative voltage computing!
I think I was booted off the internet on the first try mmm the inverted wave you could try ttt and xxx vertical and horizontal and diagonal
I can't duplicate it but I do have all my files! There must be some software settable switch inside the MASM code somewhere.
3D Mendel Blot AC/DC generator!
I ordered a circular polarized camera lens, and I'm going to put it in the Mendel blot's circle and measure voltage differences/ I'll try a white Mendel Blot and a black Mendel Blot - 90º opposed left right rotation. See Last post for reason. Maybe I can get a variable voltage AC/DC generator!
Hodgkin–Huxley model
Found this graph of Neuronal activity on Wikipedia The Hodgkin–Huxley model (or "conductance-based model") is a mathematical model (a type of scientific model) that describes how action potentials in neurons are initiated and propagated.
More to say later
Notice values 80 Mercury - 20 = two solar systems in one - Jupiter and Saturn based suns. 100 stars on the flag. 80% on the other side of the world. This shows that the Voltage is a measure of space. at a point like 24 hours it folds back in on itself and reproduces the same solar system.
I have another program of this same phenomena I would need to convert to HTML but the screw goes on forever. My guess is that they go both ways - and are actually one and the save wave. Future and past. 0 ms is NOW or current and present. A & E
More to say later
Notice values 80 Mercury - 20 = two solar systems in one - Jupiter and Saturn based suns. 100 stars on the flag. 80% on the other side of the world. This shows that the Voltage is a measure of space. at a point like 24 hours it folds back in on itself and reproduces the same solar system.
I have another program of this same phenomena I would need to convert to HTML but the screw goes on forever. My guess is that they go both ways - and are actually one and the save wave. Future and past. 0 ms is NOW or current and present. A & E
From Wikipedia
Friday, June 6, 2014
Kite generator - Sacred geometry electric generator.
New open source idea for power generation. Use conductive ink pen to draw sacred geometry symbols and test for voltage fluctuations. This is a right Kite shape. duplicated and inverted giving 432 geometry = 4 x 108º angles An Evil third eye. Adam - Eve and Micheal Jackass!
Take GE's power (Money) away! Find a design that makes current and make it public. Remove that Satan's economic base!
My guess is a circular non or minimal overlapping design would work best.
Just go to Google and search geometry images and print them small with conductive ink and test them. I can't afford to fix my printer.
One day I got a 35 volt drop when testing a group of magnets. that comes from the 36º angle in the kite 3 angles at 108º and one at 36º. conductive ink is the same principle. The magnet quit working because he can adjust the domains of the magnet over time. You can't change a printed page.
24 Pulse bridge rectifier - 3D glasses
24 Pulse Rectified Electrical Wave
12 Pulse wave
Modification and addition to above - 90º Delta Quadrant shift in Electrical wave.
Investigation of 3D glasses brought this about. Right spin / left spin vertical / horizontal
2 x 2 x six colors = 24 waves
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