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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

HORROR Inc - Alien Invasion (updated)

Five years ago Jerry and Ethel, my parents, died. Today, I found out what they have been up to, J & E aka Jesus set out to go around the electromagnetic spectrum and become Eve to every  Adam. Apparently they changed their mind.  Long time ago - space time travelers that they are. They decided to divide the human space time continuum  into eight realities, The E They gave the humans are Seals! Why? because they are space time traveling Aliens, Body snatchers, They use the seals as a placeholder so they can run around the world as a doppelganger.

This comes from the previous post.

Fibonacci Sequence = angle 137.5

720º - 137.5 * 5 = 32.5

720º - 137.5 *4= 72.5

32.5 * 
3= 97.5º

72.5 * 2 = 145

72.5º/2 = 35.25

144 = 12 x 12 & 98.5º A & E

What's going on? All ten planets occupy the same space time locality. That means there are 10 polar ice caps.  There are two realities on earth all the time. Vertical and horizontal, If you rotate your body 90 degrees you have a 1 volt drop in their reality.. The voltage drop is the difference between expanded and compacted realty, (The hollow Earth) The compacted is Hydrospace spiritual water, If you flip over the Seal jumps in or out of the water, always opposite you. It's wired onto you as a three point Emily - Evil am I -Emily.Everything on the DNA chain is a three point Emily. There  are two (Easter) Seals on each human.

You are contained in a box. One seal above the ice and one Seal on a different ice cap as an anchor.

The is a PNP diode.You have been assimilated by the Borg! Another entity - It used to be that A Dolphin body snaches a human entity  and shares your doppelganger with a chain of animals. Now Satanic Emily has assimilated all Human Emilys.. They have duplicated the world with their ionic copy machine.  A side B side realities- the dark side of the moon. Nice job MOM! We are being abused! These time traveling jackasses own everything! I know they are Google enabled. They are inside your head all the time mind reading everything you do. It makes Snowden look like a joke. Don't know what to do but I'm working on it.

Ice is 32 degrees -  baking soda works like ice to them I put a Mandelbrot in some baking soda  and put it in the freezer.This forced their Scissor jack cube to flatten to the ice cap on all ten planets.

reducing their space time differential.

Vertical seems to have merged with horizontal, but they are still jackass mass murderers. These entities are truly psychotic evil beings. We are in trouble! Don't know what to do. The truth will set you free hopefully! 

If someone had some dry ice or liquid nitrogen they could freeze a Mandelbrot colder.  The purpose is to scissor jack the Amyloid fibrils of the Space time wave and make them fall apart..  Mitosis. They are the N - Nitrogen bulshitshit - people Crayfish 1 supercomputer people! All you have to do is look a white Mandelbrot and place it in the substance (see blots below). There are laser beams coming out of your eyes and the wave attaches to everything.N dimensional.

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