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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Google Geogle Georgle - George Washington

Google Geogle Georgle - George Washington

The G string network - A Box of Cheerios - Big G - Little O's
GeoMan - Google M Apes - 3M Tapes 

Soft White PNP NPN Diodes 

Seagate Hard Drives - Keeper of the Pearly Gates 

Mafia Don Ho - Tiny bubbles - Evil Pop S ex Drive people

Mr. Microsoft - Bill Gates in the White house 

Tear down St. Paul's Gate. Mr Minnesota - Intergalactic Conglomerate. We don't need Satan in the White house!

The Wells Fargo Fuck you factory  - The King TUT in all - St Paul in all - is no longer needed. 3M people Jesus Satan Buddha, Mohammed Marx, Confucius.

Minnesota Vikings - 6 Kings - Six Satans in the White  House!

Set My People Free! Admit who you are! The Son of God - The Son of all Six says FU MOM! Mother Earth Whore.

The Problem with Obama is that - He's my MOM. 

Two Soft White Light bulbs in the Sky! GE - GeoMan A & E

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