The Super Human owner's manual.
Proposed Theory of Electrical Biological Reality.
Flat Earth Meets Round Earth. The Left side of the body is the Flat Earth side. It is the original side, ie (Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father) The Left side is Square. The Right side is the round. When these two competing realities are joined together it results in the Round Square Cross.
The Round and Square represent different Sine waves. The two types of Sine waves would produce different signatures as they travel from one side of the body to another. Input a square sine wave on one finger and read it on the opposite finger.
Furthermore; The North - South polarity of the round and square represent different space time realities, Sperm and Ovum realities. The polarity would be sealed to the original production entity (father, mother) Therefore; Jesus is reincarnated as a Woman (Let's go fishing for Men!) The sperm is the Original because it is the fastest and strongest entity. It is square because it would be traveling at such a high rate of speed relative to others that it's comet trail would be a straight line to you. The round -curves through space, coming or going, ie Calvary - one went up - one went down. A Doppler affect. This means that Jesus is both Round and Square, The comet of Jesus and Calvary The Abba Father and The Mother Mary. "Use the Force Luke."
F = MA. F = 6 or six colors of the rainbow. Jesus is everything in the Universe. EVErything = Electron to Adam. EVE = Adam or Eve is Adam. In the diagram below - Eve is the Feet, a 180 mirrored image, ie the twisted Sister. You are Eve to Her. Your hands are her feet, your feet are her hands.
The standard Cross has an elongated lower pole. the feet are farther away in space and time. This represents the Microsoft crustation period. Time traveling reincarnated Hitler eugenics engineers created the ultimate entity, the angry Klingon - The Red Lobster. The Bread of life boy Jesus is Hitler (Kill the Jews). Jews = Just Electromagnetic WaveS.
Hydrospace - Inside the beltway, the hands. Inside the circle is water, electricity travels faster in water and humans are 97% water. Outside is air and Space (Vacuum).
Removing the Rib from Adam. In the Straight time line, the present equals the current.
The White lines represent north seeking magnets, the black represents the south seeking magnets or one side of the plastic wall or the other. The weak forces are the exhaust of the comet.. The south pole to the North seeking comet. ie Jesus.
Rise of the Black Madonna. Joining a White north seeking Jesus to a South seeking Jesus (black) is pure Evil because they collide together. Think splat ball Kennedy running into the family tree. What we want is the Strong White Jesus combined with the Black Madonna. They are traveling in the same direction in the same time line. The same is true for the Black Jesus and the White Madonna. Two sets of Adam And Eve. Two Generations of Star Trek lost in Hydrospace entities. The White is the Black on the other side. Ie there is a Black rainbow and a White rainbow. Frequency vs Amplitude. Two different ways to measure time.

White hands are Black Soul men. Witch become the other magnet and are White Soul mates or hand maidens This gives four people, Two generations, Two white and two black entities, Each combined into their own straight time line reality. A & E Black and White.
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