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Friday, April 19, 2013

New Container

Hard to see but what they are are twin towers. Bottom of each magnetically opposite tower is 6 covered transparent square boxes. The Second level is not covered. The Abba Level is uncontained . The Top of each is 6 uncontained containers.(no covers)

Top = Electron - Neutron
Bottom = Proton and Atom
The Tower locks the electron to the same straight time line as the atom, Effectively giving it a proton.
Removing the black matter Satan hiding in the dark.


The Container has been updated. Four different sets of containers.
Set one Third level deep 2 magnet open container. -Human - A & E
Set two Two largest levels four magnets open containers - Outside - Expanded reality
Set three four level inside set 8 magnets open containers - Inside - Compacted Reality
Set Four Seven Levels deep 14 magnets - The New world order - all doors in Hell open,

Contain by being uncontained!

All sets sit halfway in water. Different electromagnetic space time 8 Cartesian quadrants 7 levels deep.

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