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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Armageddon Wave

Armagedding it?

 3 dimensional M - 3 dimensional W
 M over W = Mind over the Evil Anti 3M  - A & E = Minnesota Multiple Monodot Mind Fuck Generator!

The Wings and snake are the Wave - The Hawk and snake of King TuT. Round and Square sine waves - the keys to the kingdom.The balls are your head(s) the Oval Office & Dome!
Two flag poles - Round ball and Eagle capped poles- Two Earths. (E & Arth)

The Snakes are Hands, If you hold ( or touch) something  an ionic image is dragged into the earth by gravity! The Wings represent a high speed dimensional jump. They are your eyes & ears! A laser beam comes and goes in and out of your eyes and ears (black sound - sound converted to electrical nerve pulses)! The Circles open to release the wave. (See Keys) Open all Doors! = Remove the Rib from Adam & Eve!

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