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Monday, August 19, 2013

Red White and Blue

Sorry Micheal - irreducible complexity only needs infinite greed and simple differential relationships.
What is your frequency Micheal - Maybe you should ask Yoko Ono

This one has Ice cubes 4 - 32ยบ
(each now contain 4 ice cubes)



  [nig-er]  Show IPA

The term nigger  is now probably the most offensive word in English.Its degree of offensiveness 
has increased markedly in recent years, although it has been used in a derogatory manner since at least the Revolutionary War. The senses labeled Extremely Disparaging and Offensive  represent meanings that are deeply insulting and are used when the speaker deliberately wishes to cause 
great offense. 

FU MOM - FU Nigger - meant in the most offensive way possible!
Ni (Nickel) gge (Gerald Gerald Ethel ) r (reincarnated) although you're a male you're still my mother!
That's right Micheal Jackson is my mother and so is O'bama (Gerald and Gerald) ain't that right Yoko? Minnesota based Target store whore.

Sorry Dubai boys. Your infinite resource palm tree islands - aka Auswitch & Buchenwald has no Ice!

(Auswitch & Buchenwald) Round and Square (gold and Lead)

Nickel is Black and White - Blonde haired blue eyed Ethels
(Auswitch & Buchenwald) Gold and Lead (pb)

Everyone is a Borg ship (Earth/Uranus) and a Nanobot (one celled ameba A-Me-Ba)
Dyslexic O'bama - Ameba ei- ei O  Old Ronald McDonald the Mendelblatt man
Red white red white red white red white  - 10 planets
Emirate - Evil M I  (1960) year of the Evil Chinese Red square Rat. (Yoko, Round Target?)
12/28/1960  2:00 AM - The recursive Big Bang
other flag A rabbi  or i Abba reincarnated
Nice Pink chair you left in the hall Giant Green Nigger! 
You and your hairy black hole in a square chair - Round and square Newton Jackass. FU

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