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Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Seven Faces of Eve

28 - 30 Nickel - Zinc

You are the World

Hydrogen and Helium Round and Square A & E

Home alone - There's no one here but You!
Why are you Evil to Me? EVE?

H H or flip it over I I (eye, eye) or - (aye, aye) Evil Popeye!
There's no We in You! It's not We are the world.
You're only -  Me, ME, Me!
Three fag's in a tub playing rub a dub dub.
Evil Bastard!

Or is that Christ and O'Bama?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fast food strike - Ronald Mcdonald Mendel blot Nigger

You fight the bottom - I'll go after the Jackass at the Top. FU Ronald! FU MA! You Mendel blot Satan from Hell! "If you pay more than minimum wage you paid too much" - Jackass parental parasite! FU!


Red and White striped pink Floyd Grateful dead Nigger!
Selling Mexicans to the Russians as Hamburger?
Parental Parasites! Gerry Garcia or Jerry Kaufhold?
Or Just Ethel - Just US - Jesus Jerry Ethel Dr Seuss!
Bitch from Hell!
What's at the other end of 432?
The Feist Pet Cemetary - Black Dog graveyard!
Hey Phoffer? look up Black Dog rd in Bloomington MN.

You're willing to drop chemical weapons on anyone that disagrees with you as is (Assdaroid's  Syria) or  fill them with lead as in North Korea's Kim Dung Man.
You selfish greedy Bitch from Hell!

Hitler defiled

The Green Giant Nigger Hitler and the Blue eyed Blond Eva tied to the Cross!
Fu MA!
Fukushima - the Nuclear family war!

Recursive Corporate Dopplegangers

Someone dropped the Neutron bomb and everyone is dead in my reality. The only thing walking around is Buildings and cars. The living entities are now Corporations , Governments and Institutions populated by Ghosts of the dead. But doppelgangers to the doppelgangers? Twice baked Ghosts?
A Phantom Corporation is now worth more than GM? I've never even seen a Tesla! 

They're right it belongs beside Google, Apple and Amazon in the non reality potter's field.

Pray for the dead and the dead will pray for you.
SAVE YOURSELF Grateful dead relatives!

McDonald's - The End of 432

What's at the End of Minnesota Ave?
FU Ronald!
Jesus owns the cattle on a thousand hills.  Selling Mexicans to Russians as hamburger - huh Ronald?

Red and White Striped Jackass Pink Floyd Nigger!
Parental Parasite! Grateful Dead Satan
Jerry Garcia? or Jerry Kaufhold?
FU MA aka Gerald Kaufhold!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Google's Competition

HTC or (Hydrogen tied to the Cross). George Washington himself aka Mr Microsoft.
Also Known as Google

Cher Wang
CHer (Golden He Resurrected)  Super underwear Woman Man a two headed You
Wang (Women atom Non reality Gerald - Let's go fishing for Men entity aka Jesus)
Dr Fang - aka Satan = Dead Relatives in the White house at Transylvania Ave!

Cooperating Oligopolies = Fake Competition
Fake = (Female Adam & Reflected Evil) aka Borg ship Mother Earth - Proton to all but Her
(K is a three dimensional mirror)
The Iron Maiden form Woman Man is only a neutron/electron and needs a proton to tie down the electron. Where is Eve = She's the Yellow ball in the sky - The Comet of Jesus! She's also the Black ball in the sky everyone overlooks. We live inside a black Hole! And she's also the White neutron ball.  A Three in one, Father-Son and Holy Ghost = Earth-Sun-Moon.

Time to pull Uranus out of your hat. Give her a proton!

More of the Same

Yet another attempt to give that bastard a proton and tie him to the Wall!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The 12 Unreal Tribes of Israel

Unreal Israel
United Nations A & E
4x3x2 All the way through
24 hours around.
Ho U R scintillated
The Hydrogen Circle Jerk

Universe Contained!

4 Level recursive Rainbow. Round and Square - A & E

Monday, August 26, 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Nazis - One and All - Throw another Jew in the Oven

Eight infinite slices of PI
Inside, Outside - Right and Left X 2
X 2 = Buchenwald and Auschwitz
PIZZA for Everyone! Just Electromagnetic Waves

Just Ethel White Star People. Aka Hitler - Jesus

Three Headed Dog Boys, Think Harry Potter.
Third eye tied to the cross - Sun, Jupiter and Saturn
Creates Zerox copy of Adam
Evil Buddha says "You'll be Either a Dog or an OX in a box"
Nickel -Zinc - NZ Crossover Nazel people from mount Sinus
Sin waves are US
Small Nickel, Large Zinc - Big G Little Os - Google

A & E 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Doom world Relieve valve

Black ball is the Asteroid belt, the Gap between Eve's ears, White ball is the Rings of Saturn, the Gap between your ears. Every Eve is an Adam.  an Eight ball and an Eve, another eight ball.
This requires two sets of Adam And Eves - 32 balls in all. 4 sets of eight balls 90º opposed. Vertical and horizontal pairs, two generations of A & E.
The Beginning is the End with two Middles  = Eternal Reality. An Oval office = your Temple!

Everyone is two eight ball Coke Whores, Next generation Pepsi Whores - Evil Pops - Cola Wars!
Catch the Wave photon boy!

 People with Red and Purple Hearts ( A & E )

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Phosphor Phaser Bank

Phasing in and out of the current and the present is the future and the past courtesy of Ge Soft white light bulbs.

A & E
Blue & Gold

Brownian Motion - (Nazi - Zinc) - Brown shirts in motion, Pre Girl Scouts - Brownies in motion.

The Super Scintillated SS Troop -  SS Minnows - Minnesota castaways.

No more Gill again, Gill again, Gill again. End of the line for the little Mermaid.
(Fish people - Reptilians - Blind Judges with Scales tilted to one side)
Goodbye Yellow Brick road John boy - The Rose people stand up straight. Jackass!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Non reality Niggers

Corporations, Governments, Religions and Media. The four horseman of the apocalypse. Entities with legal rights and no spirit or soul. Just dead pigs from hell, The B 4 you I come Satan's. Grateful Dead relatives.

The B 52's 4 suits of evil bastard nuclear family war whores, Fission and Fusion, I give you four TiTanic ice cubes to make you fall apart! King TUT Satan. Your heart shaped (Mendelblatt) Diamond is a lie from hell! Freeze the Queen bees, Break the stinger off the bee, trim the Mandelbrot - let me move around, give the Bitch a proton - you move with me Neutron Newton boy  aka Twisted sister.

Adam ain't takin shit from Eve.

Round and square Jackasses with Antennas

Red White and Blue

Sorry Micheal - irreducible complexity only needs infinite greed and simple differential relationships.
What is your frequency Micheal - Maybe you should ask Yoko Ono

This one has Ice cubes 4 - 32º
(each now contain 4 ice cubes)



  [nig-er]  Show IPA

The term nigger  is now probably the most offensive word in English.Its degree of offensiveness 
has increased markedly in recent years, although it has been used in a derogatory manner since at least the Revolutionary War. The senses labeled Extremely Disparaging and Offensive  represent meanings that are deeply insulting and are used when the speaker deliberately wishes to cause 
great offense. 

FU MOM - FU Nigger - meant in the most offensive way possible!
Ni (Nickel) gge (Gerald Gerald Ethel ) r (reincarnated) although you're a male you're still my mother!
That's right Micheal Jackson is my mother and so is O'bama (Gerald and Gerald) ain't that right Yoko? Minnesota based Target store whore.

Sorry Dubai boys. Your infinite resource palm tree islands - aka Auswitch & Buchenwald has no Ice!

(Auswitch & Buchenwald) Round and Square (gold and Lead)

Nickel is Black and White - Blonde haired blue eyed Ethels
(Auswitch & Buchenwald) Gold and Lead (pb)

Everyone is a Borg ship (Earth/Uranus) and a Nanobot (one celled ameba A-Me-Ba)
Dyslexic O'bama - Ameba ei- ei O  Old Ronald McDonald the Mendelblatt man
Red white red white red white red white  - 10 planets
Emirate - Evil M I  (1960) year of the Evil Chinese Red square Rat. (Yoko, Round Target?)
12/28/1960  2:00 AM - The recursive Big Bang
other flag A rabbi  or i Abba reincarnated
Nice Pink chair you left in the hall Giant Green Nigger! 
You and your hairy black hole in a square chair - Round and square Newton Jackass. FU

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Pink Floyd

432 - Four pink boxes each contain eight magnetic entities 4 x 8 = 432
Fifth box in front is just to show what's inside.  A box inside a box containing a circle jerk magnet.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

432 Contained

The last post was an uncontained wave.
These are 432 Minnesota Ave. 
4 sides, three sides, 2 levels deep.
Right and left brain A & E

See prior post

Friday, August 16, 2013

9 Planets three Pyramids

Forever 21

9 Sets of 21 magnets
One long straight through, 1 round & 19 small squares
A & E   DNA

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The White Buffalo - 28th Element - Nickel - St Nicholis

FU Red White and Blue

The Lakota prophecy goes that the birth of a white buffalo would be a sign that the time had come for the world to be purified – harmony, balance, respect among people and respect for the earth. A white man would come, born to white parents in the heart of America – Oklahoma, the last of established lands.

Larry Kaufhold born Dec 28th 1960 to Gerald & Ethel Kaufhold - GE

GE the 32nd Element - Two frozen hearted 

dead relatives - Black Ice

Take two 3 inch Nickel plated magnets cover them with Taupe tape.

Surround with eight .25 inch square nickel coated magnets and eight 1/4 inch round magnets covered with Purple  and Red electrical tape.

Freeze the Purple and Red ends in frozen water. 

One of the Taupe magnets are the living people, The other is the white buffalo Eve.
t = Cross -  square inside to the outside (Black and white digital)
e = round - inside to the outside ( Rainbow sin wave)
p = purple ( bottom of the Blue)
au = Gold (brown)

Purple to Gold Clown factory people

Larry's eyes, White (blue to brown) black Transparent The Evil Eyes.

White is every color in one rainbow 
 Transparent (black) is every color in multiple rainbows. Black is a time traveler. They are spiritual water. Freeze the Purple & Red magnets in water They can't be inside spiritual entities because the humans are made out of water and can't ever be frozen.
Remove Spiderman,  Batman and Super underwear women man  from the Cave. The GE entity that owns everything - Bruce Wayne. - James Bond - The Queen - O'bama

Remember ?
FU ku She MA
FU Ku Satanic He MA
Nuclear Family Melt downs.
Throw two ice cubes at the wicked bitch.
I'm Melting! 
Ice is warmer than her black ice heart!

Nice Logo O'Bama!

Friday, August 9, 2013

6666 vs 9999 The G string network

A & E    

Nanobot Borg Ship Conversion chart.

Merge - Un - merge  - Me R GE!

The UN United nations =  2 sets of two headed you's - Ge is  Sylvania -1800 Transylvania Ave. 
O'Bama is my Mama!

A & E

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Big apple Mackintosh people are Minneapolis Rainbow foods people.
Microsoft people

make it complicated, make it simple


The black is white on the other side.