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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day May Day Cleave your Beagle!

Hickory Dickory Dock

Post Abomination Nation!

May Day - May Day - Ma Pa - Ma Pa  - GE or GE GE or GE An Orgy in the white house.

4/30/0313 Roman emperor Licinius unifies the entire Eastern Roman Empire under his rule.
4/30/1006 Brightest supernova in recorded history is observed
4/30/1774 Pope Clement XIV proclaims a universal jubilee
4/30/1789 George Washington inaugurated as first president of US 
4/30/1900 Casey Jones dies in a train wreck in Vaughn, Mississippi, while trying to make up time on the Cannonball Express. (The DNA Train)
4/30/1939 RCA owned NBC begins regularly scheduled television service from its New York station with the opening ceremonies of the 1939 New York World's Fair broadcast.
4/30/1945 Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun commit suicide after being married for one day. Soviet soldiers raise the red flag over the Reichstag building.
4/30/1975 US civilian forces evacuate from Vietnam; Saigon surrenders
4/30/1993 The World Wide Web was born at CERN. (Birth of the Microsoft Black Window Spider)

Beagle - Snoopy - The Red Baron, the Golden dog boy - Split the Red C B side GE on A&E 

Remove the Rib From Adam & Eve 

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