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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Church of Scientology - Rainbow Coalition BorgShip

Eight colors - Rose - Purple - Blue - Teal - Green - Yellow - Orange - Red & one Non reality color - Clear! Church of Scientology Gotta get Clear! The temple of Doom!

911 - Nine Colors one on one twin towers - Adam and Eve.

Para Dice - Somewhere over the Rainbow

Eight colors of the rainbow times four - thawed  = 432 Minnesota Avenue. The water is hydrospace = Black matter. The rainbow is human spiritual reality - right and left brain.

A & E

Monday, May 20, 2013

Prime Rib - Are we there yet?

Rose colored Squares  (Blackend) (Fu)shia - Taupe coated Med Purple Red, Risen Pink Floyd Pink - The prick from hell.

Boiled Ice Cubes. Black ,White and Something borrowed in Blue Ice.  Thaw out 4 32 degree frozen hearted Satans

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Titanic Train wreck

Yellow and Blue North and south, Floating in water simulates Ice floating on water.
Each yellow and blue nerf ball contains a three inch magnet. Two Blue north pole and two yellow north pole.

432 Minnesota Ave - Ice 32 degrees  = Water can't get colder than 32 degrees without freezing solid. 
If you drop three of these in the water the yellow or gold points to the ground. Gravity. The fourth one is a compass pointing north and south. Lift up Jesus! save the troops by tying the ribbon together ie connect the dots. Remove a dimension from reality. the inside dimension, Inside to the Outside A&E. Get out of the cave Batman - Err Jesus  Satan whore.The tomb is empty!

Lift up the Gold and lead and bring  down the hydrogen and helium.. Level the playing field of dreams.
I just want to play the field - If you build it they will Come. - Jesus is Come!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Canned Americans

Vertical And Horizontal Round and Square rainbows A Can of Americans!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day May Day Cleave your Beagle!

Hickory Dickory Dock

Post Abomination Nation!

May Day - May Day - Ma Pa - Ma Pa  - GE or GE GE or GE An Orgy in the white house.

4/30/0313 Roman emperor Licinius unifies the entire Eastern Roman Empire under his rule.
4/30/1006 Brightest supernova in recorded history is observed
4/30/1774 Pope Clement XIV proclaims a universal jubilee
4/30/1789 George Washington inaugurated as first president of US 
4/30/1900 Casey Jones dies in a train wreck in Vaughn, Mississippi, while trying to make up time on the Cannonball Express. (The DNA Train)
4/30/1939 RCA owned NBC begins regularly scheduled television service from its New York station with the opening ceremonies of the 1939 New York World's Fair broadcast.
4/30/1945 Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun commit suicide after being married for one day. Soviet soldiers raise the red flag over the Reichstag building.
4/30/1975 US civilian forces evacuate from Vietnam; Saigon surrenders
4/30/1993 The World Wide Web was born at CERN. (Birth of the Microsoft Black Window Spider)

Beagle - Snoopy - The Red Baron, the Golden dog boy - Split the Red C B side GE on A&E 

Remove the Rib From Adam & Eve