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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Spinal Tap

2 rainbows one upside down, 6 colors 3 gray - clear - white 9 total - one bar in each spinal cord = perfect ten of nine! Nine planets one Sun. You can't be the Sun because that's Eve! A & E - GE! A = Eve

Jupiter and Saturn are the Sun - A & E We live on Earth and Uranus. Ear and Anus people! A & E

Remove the Rib from Adam and from Eve! All The Ribs! A & E

Thursday, October 2, 2014

5 Golden rings

Five rings added to my 432 magnetic rod( see last post) Bleach, soap, vinegar, acetone, ammonia.

Do you want Certified French People with that? Or Fermentilab rat people? Super Collided people!

Rub her out!

Disrobe Batman - Remove the Black rubber chicken suit from Batman!

2 clear tubes around your waist. One filled with Acetone the other with Ammonia.
Dissolve the elastic band around your waist in the future and the past!

Pipe = 8 magnets on poles = 9 total magnets = 2 gravity wells with a center line representing present and current time lines. neutral in the middle.