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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tower of Power

4 towers -  2 - 8 color rainbows with coriolis and 2 Aztex black and white towers 
512 objects - 384 clear balls - 128 Gold (AU) Squares 4 generations of A & E

Friday, April 25, 2014

Evil eye beam

Taupe and clear 2 part - I beam One contains rainbow other is just taupe grey and black gray A & E

Easter Eggs

Round & Square 

Gray & Green

Each contain 8 cubes  - gray contains green cube  - green contains gray cube
Contain yourself A & E

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Infinite FU Nigger!

Living people are taupe! Dead people are Niggers!
Once you go black, you never come back! Get the Fuck out of the cave Batman! Let everyone out of hell!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

EMF, Chemical and Biological warfare

Christ - Evil Pop and Evil MA Emma
What I've been using is EMF frequency warfare - We are electromagnetic waves. We are also chemicals.

Western medicine is Evil - Abilify, Zyprexa - Prozac etc. They attack the pituitary gland. Eastern medicine is the same but from a different point of view. Both sides are inside druids ( living dead)  that know what happens when you ingest certain chemicals.

I have recently added Green Coffee extract and a Probiotic formula compound to my diet. These extracts effect the serotonin / dopamine levels in the brain but fight their wars in the intestines. Your body is a temple and their heaven. It contains all ten  planets in one form or another. They are N dimensional - brownian motion space time realities. The stomach manifests as brain molecules ( shit for brains) the organs are the planets etc. a quasi recursive phenomenon. Again, I have recently added Green Coffee extract (4 weed compound) and a Probiotic formula (Acidophilus)

Green Coffee is inside out to your normal coffee,  Acidophilus is the inside out sugar. ( I think it's a kind of Vinegar - fermented alcohol) There is a war between Acid and Base PH - the goal is neutral zone. Water.

That did not work

Now trying the same thing replacing the magnets with a cube (filled with water) of the same color. Remove all torus objects.

Magnets are impossible too many Gauss lines they can hide in. Too many levels deep.

The square creates six planes and contain water - The wave comes through 18 times a day 18 rainbows.
I have four boxes of each of the 6 colors. 6 planes time 3 = 18 waves through the other box of the same color.

The round egg is an electron / neutron. The squares are protons / Adams. Rounds  have to be at least two Cubes - The water contains "reality". They will only be a square of a different color than their round host's entity. This means they are in a different time and space than the Adam. Eve is "Evil" They have pulled the rib out of adam and did not tell adam. Eve is basically a body snatched version of you. A doppelganger!

The 18 rainbows are the 9 planets - Regular rainbow and secondary inverted rainbow. The inverted rainbow entities are E. Electrons They come from the new blood cells created in the bone marrow. One wall away from the Adam. New blood cells are Blue and Gold.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Flabraga Easter Eggs

6 colors - 2 eggs each - each contain a torus and opaque egg containing torus surrounded by two magnets.

4 sets of rainbows in four different locations 24 hours = 48 states. Every American is a Russian doll!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The nine balls and chains of Eve.

Nine gray opaque balls each contain One Pull tab  - Sven Diagram wave (qubit) disentangler.  
Nine Planets - Future and Past A & E from GE!
Big dipper - little dipper - space time separated.