Click brown title to Navigate!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Mercury Bottle - I dream of Genie

The Future is the Past - Separate the Two

A & E 

The Black and white are normally attached to the green glass in the middle making past present future and current realities. They are heavy metals if you rotate the rainbow the Mercury is pushed to the edges, and the Radioactive Fukushima - Chernobyl radiation is behind the mercury! Out of our way! Now how do you rotate a rainbow? - This HTML code is a Biomedical bitmap. Courtesy of the laser beams coming out of my head it is screwed into the pineal gland and automatically updates the Genome of the entire Universe!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Virtual Identity Crisis

 Virtual Golden People
Golden Ass Ash Wednesday child people!
Eighth day of the Week - 3rd eye Blind!

Taupe Update

Box contains solid taupe Rod
Eye 1 - Green - Eye 2 - Fuchsia  = Future - Past  Red - Blue Shifted Doppler affect
Virtual focal point eye Coke - Pepsi color Evil Ma Evil Pop = Missing Evil eye of Pyramid.
The Golden eye on top of the Pyramid that will never be.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Final Frontier - The space between your ears!

Two Empty Boxes - Each consist of 
Chernobyl Kryptonite Green and Fukushima Fuchsia
wrapped in Three smile island 3M Taupe masking Tape
A & E
Nuclear Family Meltdowns.
When added together the color is diluted Carmel Aka Coke Whore brown!
Remove the Rib ( Evil Pop ) from Adam!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Inside and Outside waves

Inside is the Outside

4 - 60º &  3- 120º waves 
2 Gray Straight Waves  N dimensionally Spot welded & 
 28 Autenated BW  waves 

36 Waves = Hwy 36 Roseville Mn.Gives 8th day of week virtual entity.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

AA & A & E Ethel Alcoholic Coke Whores

My Mother is the "Real" Thing - The Father of all Lies
is real? - Israel
FU ca s- he Ma You!

King ot the Jerry & Ethel's  GE!
Just Electromagnetic Waves!

Monday, February 3, 2014

RadioActive People!

Red White And Blue people - A & E
Pass through and bounce back - Hydrogen to Mercury.
Vertical & Horizontal -Jupiter & Saturn.