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Friday, January 31, 2014

The Devil's Triangle - Updated

The Devil's Triangle A & E 
A 6 Mandelbrot entity.
                 red = (180 + (32 - clr)) Mod 255
                    green = (150 + (32 - clr)) Mod 255
                  blue = (122 + (32 - clr)) Mod 255
     Dim c As Color                    
                   c = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue)
White added in update

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Taupelated BI You

The Devil's Triangle A & E 
A 6 Mandelbrot entity.
                 red = (180 + (32 - clr)) Mod 255
                    green = (150 + (32 - clr)) Mod 255
                  blue = (122 + (32 - clr)) Mod 255
     Dim c As Color                    
                   c = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue) 

A 30º cork Screw to Remove the Rib From Adam!
Remove the Pork from the  Ork! That means You!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Niger Nickles - We are the World!

28th Element Nickle - Black and White - Night and day. A & E.
Expanded and Compacted. 72º non linear temperature swing. 32º F- 104º C water temp.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Helium Bomb Dropped 5:45 am 1/23/2014

EMF Bomb! 
The Helium Bomb;
Helium balloon surrounded by two neodymium magnets.
Atom Bomb, Hydrogen Bomb - Helium Bomb.
A & E

First crush an Atom as hard as you can then lift and separate!
Walla! Living Bra men!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Borg Waves
