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Saturday, March 30, 2013


Greay Gorilla tape - each with a greay covered magnet.

Round and Square three dimensional and two near and far 2 dimensional.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Reincarnation Sunday Red White and Blue

Red White and Blue Evil Eyes
The two shall become one.
Two will be working in the field(The electromagnetic field) and one shall be taken, one will be for giveng.

Vertical and Horizontal interlaced waves.
Merge - Me are GE!
Adam and Eve.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Twin Cities

St Paul - Carbon

St Mary's Minneapolis - Uranium


I = U  Canamexicans
Americans - Spam - E-male
Hydrogen - First and Last
Equal Male - Female
Yabba Dabba doo

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Blue and Gold

96 magnets each, 2 transparent 0 - 80 Blue and Gold balls.
Gold Mercury and Lead.
The Perfect 100

Monday, March 4, 2013

The End of Time as we know it!

The Multiple Monodot as magnets.
Black and white north and south in a green field container. Two sets of green boxes.
Built in transparent deflector shield, Inside the magnets go up and down, Variable distance between the two magnets. The magnets of the opposite box go back and forth and flip upside down creating a six way Cartesian cross half way betweem the two sets of magnets in the other box. Inside to the outside. A & E.
From You Tube. Related phenomina - Primer fields.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Red White and Blue Monodot

Believe it or not - this  is a Red White and Blue, Purple and Gold Clown factory Multiple Monodot!

White, Greay and Black almost crystal clear Multiple Monodot.

This is your brain on drugs!