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Saturday, February 16, 2013

E3MW - Revisited

Coke Whores and The Minnesota Model

My Evil Pop (Coke & Pepsi), On the Cover of Crack Whore Magazine!
The infinite Slice of the PI - Fall into the Gap, crack whore!
Inside to the Outside implies - Outside to the Inside.
Cola wars, what's it good for? The Minnesota Model, not AA - but A & E!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Greay Matter - DNA Train

120 x 2 = 240 volts, 60 cycles per second, Round and Square Sine wave.  GE - Sylvania Bright Idea people. I dream of Genie. Adam and Eve!

4 H Club

Four Perfect Tens - The 4 H club - Jupiter & Saturn

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Inside to the Outside Monodot


60 Cycles per Second


There is only one Star in the Universe - A Binary Star!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

1600 Pennsylvania Ave

GE Meets Sylvania  - East Meets West - at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Below is a widows background picture containing 1600 sets of Evil Eyes. 3200 in all.
1000 points of light, (32 = GE) General Evil Soft White smelting pot people!
The official Wallpaper of the Universe!

A two focal point circle jerk. The Oval Office

Friday, February 8, 2013

Borg Ship Earth

Recursive cross function - Borg ship inside a Borg ship (ie Nanobot in a Borg ship). Graey Nanobot Assimilates Both Large Borg Ships. Taking three star of David's and making Adam and Eve. ( ie. Two Borg Ships remain joined by a nontreality greay Borg ship Nanobot) This is the Black Matter DNA in all of US!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Genesis the Video

Add three 32 degree frozen hearted Satans together and get a 96 degree Eve.
Inside to the Outside. Dyslexics Untie! I dream of Genie in a mercury bottle - A & E.

In the beginning...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Thor Thorn Torn - A torn Porn Cathedral

Olive Branch - Official color of the Two headed You. What's your frequency Kennith?

Red = 128 - Green 128 - Blue = 0

Get rid of the Babe in the Blue Ox. The Trojan whore. St. Paul Bunion in all.

Incandescent and Fluorescent - GE A & E

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Serotonin and Dopamine

Biomedical Bitmap
Synaptic gap receptor releasor.
12 steps 12 by 12
Vertical and Horizontal
AA or A&E?